Being more human through Embodiment
Aug 23, 2024
What is Embodiment?
Human Beings are inherently designed to be Embodied. But what does that mean? Embodiment simply means we’re living in our body. You might say “Of course I’m living in my body”. But I’d like to suggest that you check to make sure. Try feeling where your attention is. Is it in your head, your belly, your feet? Most of the time we don’t stop to notice but when we do, it can be surprising what we find. Many of us are actually living in our heads, in our minds and when we do that something is missing. A lot of things are missing actually. Because when our attention is in our heads, in our thoughts, our nervous system is disconnected, under stress, we’re not paying attention to our gut feelings, we make decisions based more on stuff that’s outside us rather than inside us, and it can make us feel anxious and like something isn’t right. It may seem hard to believe but if you stop and notice where your attention is, it’s likely in your thoughts, in your head. We all know we aren’t just our thoughts and are much more than that, but we don’t quite know how to get to the rest of it.
I’ve been studying this stuff for quite some time now and what I’ve found has amazed me again and again. There’s a simple way to get out of our head and into the rest of us and once that happens, everything works better. Embodiment is the missing piece. We can do it by dropping into our body, in a compassionate and connected way. It’s actually very simple to do. The trick is putting it into practice in our daily lives. It takes a bit of practice because we’re so much in the habit of thinking that we forget to feel. We forget to be. And that makes us forget who we really are as human beings.
We have a whole body to live in and when we do it we feel good. Our nervous system can work the way it was designed to. It’s why some people need to exercise to feel ok. It gets us into our bodies. That said, we can be embodied without moving and that may be surprising to many. But it makes sense when you think about it. Profound embodiment can happen through Stillness, Silence, and Sensing.
We have feet that touch the ground for a reason. Noticing our feet can ground us. Our feet are the "roots" of our body. They connect us to the earth. Strong roots help us to not get knocked over by the winds of life. We need a strong foundation and to be “steady on our feet”. Being embodied brings more balance into our lives in so many ways.
When we’re too much in our heads we might do things for reasons that aren’t actually right for us, because of an idea rather than what truly feels good and right. When we’re too much in our heads we’re in the past or the future. Being embodied brings us into the present moment and everything can work better. Everything we need to be more human can be found inside us, and this is embodiment. I'm not suggesting you think about getting embodied because that won't get you there. It's about sensing, feeling, dropping in, Being.
My courses can teach you everything you need to make the most of your embodied humanness. You can check them out here.