The Gift of Spirit
Dec 11, 2024
We’re the only ones that can truly give ourselves what we need.
What we’re missing is always there waiting. Waiting for us to receive it.
We hesitate for many reasons; one of the biggest reasons is that we think we don’t deserve it or that we aren’t worthy.
But we’re all worthy. And only through receiving the simple gifts of life can we be all that we are. We’re all part of Nature, and through the connection of our Mind, Body, & Spirit, we can be whole. This is true Embodiment. Nature is always there, showing us the way. Its beauty is a reflection of Creation, of spirit, both inside and all around us.
We all want to be free, to be who we truly are… To love and be loved.
If we think we aren’t worthy or lovable, we limit Spirit from supporting us on our path. The thought that we aren’t good enough or worthy enough is one of the greatest illusions of humankind.
Spirit is a personal thing. It’s personal because it's about our own relationship with Spirit. We’re the ones that have to do the connecting because it's about free will.
The interconnectedness of everything is happening all the time. Nature thrives in its wholeness, its interconnectedness with everything. Think of a tree. Perhaps it has a broken branch. Does that mean that it doesn’t receive the light of the sun or the water from the earth? Of course not. Nature is always healing, nourishing, and supporting all of Creation, and we, as human beings, are part of that. So even the “damaged” tree isn’t cut off from what it needs. It's part of the Oneness. And so are we.
Just like a tree, we’re part of nature and connected to everything. We’re the ones who cut ourselves off because so many things have taught us that we’re separate when, in fact, we’re always a part of Nature’s perfect design. This is why it feels so good to be in Nature. The feeling of the sunlight warming us deep in the core of our being. The peaceful sound of ocean waves embracing us. This is Spirit, and it's always there for us.
This good feeling that Nature gives us is a sort of breadcrumb on our path to wholeness and connectedness to Spirit. It’s about the FEELING. Our thoughts can get in the way, but if we allow ourselves to sense, to feel, to breathe, to Be, we can slow down, and things start to feel better. The more we support our own embodiment, the more connected and integrated we become. Our body is a vessel for Spirit. This is the gift of Spirit that is always here for us.
Nature heals us every day. Our body is constantly healing itself. It does it through the interconnectedness of all of the cells, fluids, nerves, and organ systems. Andrew Taylor Still, MD, the founder of Osteopathic Medicine, said, “The body of man [is] God’s drug-store and [has] in it all liquids, drugs, lubricating oils, opiates, acids, and anti-acids, and every sort of drug that the wisdom of God thought necessary for human happiness and health.”
This is a beautiful concept, no matter whether you believe in a higher power or not. It means that there is wisdom and immense Health inside us. It’s built into our humanness, and we need only make a bit of space for it so that it can do its thing. Inner wisdom happens all the time. Those gut feelings are there waiting for us to learn to listen to them.
For example, our body is hard-wired to heal itself. One way it does this is through the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic, or “rest-digest” mode, happens all of the time, but when we get out of balance, it doesn’t get enough time to do what it was designed to do. We can balance our own nervous system by the simple act of dropping in, feeling our feet on the ground, and connecting to our body in a calm and loving way. When this happens, we’re giving ourselves what we need. It can feel like Peace, like Healing, like Wholeness.
Wholeness happens when we’re willing to allow ourselves to feel, to connect. Like I said, we’re the only ones that can give ourselves what we need. We do that as we allow ourselves to rest. When we forgive ourselves for our imperfections. When we love ourselves. When we take care of ourselves. It doesn’t have to be a huge deal. Even the tiniest speck of love, spark of light, or moment of peace that we allow ourselves to experience is sometimes all we need. But why stop there? Our own personal connection to the positive, the goodness, the Light, connects us to our inner wisdom and is the pathway to freedom and fulfillment.
It’s the missing piece that everyone is looking for, and if we limit it by untrue thoughts or ideas, such as a belief that we’re unworthy or don’t have the capacity, is what keeps us in a place of suffering. It’s often when we’re struggling with something we can finally become willing to take a step to make a change. Thank goodness. So if something doesn’t feel good, if something isn’t working, if something’s missing, then it’s the perfect moment to give ourselves what we need.
We can give ourselves what we need, in whatever tiny way: Being in nature, allowing ourselves to rest, listening to the rain, breathing softly and fully, feeling the waves crashing on the beach, seeing the sunlight glistening on the dewdrops. These simple ways of connecting to good feelings and sensations also connect us to Spirit and the wholeness of Creation. As we follow the breadcrumbs of self-connection, we access more and more pieces of ourselves that we’ve forgotten about and just need a bit of attention, kindness, and nurturing. This connection to self and Spirit is giving ourselves what we need, and it can be a truly beautiful thing.
It can bring us to the realization that our wholeness is right here, in this moment. It’s in every moment. The real magic happens when we remember to stop and feel, to sense, to be still just for a moment. It slows us down, and sometimes, even just for a moment, we can Be Still and Know. We are part of everything that is… and life is constantly enlivening us, loving us, healing us, guiding us. We can be inspired by a starry sky or awestruck by a beautiful sunrise or sunset. It’s the connection between what’s on the outside and what we feel inside. The good and peaceful feelings we experience are part of the simple joy of life. We can feel the light of the sun on the inside as well as the outside. This is Spirit, and it is something that we can experience every day. It’s what “Lights us up.” When we allow ourselves to feel it, it's a gift that we give to ourselves.
The beauty of this gift is that it truly is a gift that keeps on giving. It keeps giving when we take those simple moments, those healing breaths when we experience the beauty of creation and feel good because of it. The good and peaceful feelings we experience are part of the simple joy of life. We can give it to ourselves, and it feels good. Then, we can reflect the goodness to those around us.
It's a relief because we don’t need to go searching very far. We’re already Mind, Body & Spirit. There isn’t anything missing because we already have everything we need. We have the capacity to access our own inner wisdom and our connection to all of Creation. It’s a beautiful thing. It is a gift that we give ourselves, and it benefits others because the more we do it, the more we live in Health, Peace, and Joy, and the more we can share it with others. This is the true Gift of Spirit.
I hope this helped you to have a sense of this beautiful gift that you can give yourself every day. If you need a bit more guidance and support to keep it going, my Embodiment Course has everything you need to connect your Mind, Body, & Spirit and to bring it into your everyday life.
Click here and use the code: GIFT to save 20% on The Art and Science of Being Human: Integrating Mind, Body, & Spirit